Physical Properties of Rocks Fundamentals and Principles of Petrophysics By Juergen H. Schon -
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November 12, 2017

Physical Properties of Rocks Fundamentals and Principles of Petrophysics By Juergen H. Schon

Petrophysics, beginning with Archie’s historical yet evergreen equations, has a key function in all applications of geosciences, petroleum engineering and related technologies. It helps us to understand the processes and controlling properties and creates relationships between parameters we can measure as output of the dramatic progress in exploration techniques and properties we need for reservoir characterization (hydrocarbons, water, minerals, geothermal energy), exploration of natural resources, geotechnical constructions and environmental protection.

Physical Properties of Rocks Fundamentals and Principles of Petrophysics By Juergen H. Schon

Author Jürgen H. Schön - Language English - Pages 496 - Publisher Elsevier - File Format PDF - ISBN-13: 978-0-08-100404-3 File Size 64.8 MB
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