Principles of Induction Logging Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics By A.A.KAUFMAN -
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November 20, 2017

Principles of Induction Logging Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics By A.A.KAUFMAN

Induction well logging is an established method for surveying the electrical conductivity of rocks surrounding a borehole and proceeded from the early efforts of H. G. Doll (1949, 1952). In its simplest form, an induction well-logging device consists of two coils; one is a transmitter and the other is a receiver. The transmitter coil is energized with an alternating current at frequencies of twenty kilohertz and much higher, while the electromotive force, caused by a change of the magnetic field, is detected at the receiver coil.

In almost all cases with some important exceptions, the axes of the coils are coincident with the axis of the borehole. The separation between the transmitter and receiver coils is termed the probe length, and this parameter is commonly used to control the depth of investigation of the logging device away from the borehole 

Principles of Induction Logging Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics By A.A.KAUFMAN

Author A.A. Kaufman & YU. A. Dashevsky - Language English - Pages 656 - Publisher Elsevier Science - File Format PDF - ISBN-10: 0-444-50983-6 File Size 18.4 MB
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